Source code for ersilia.utils.exceptions_utils.api_exceptions
# ruff: noqa: D101, D102
from .exceptions import ErsiliaError
class ApiErsiliaError(ErsiliaError):
def __init__(self):
self.message = "Error occured while running api command"
self.hints = ""
ErsiliaError.__init__(self, self.message, self.hints)
class InputFileNotFoundError(ErsiliaError):
def __init__(self, file_name):
self.file_name = file_name
self.message = "Input file {0} does not exist".format(self.file_name)
self.hints = "Please be make sure that you are passing a valid input file. Accepted formats are .csv, .tsv and .json\n"
self.hints += "- Check that the file path is correct"
ErsiliaError.__init__(self, self.message, self.hints)
class UnprocessableInputError(ErsiliaError):
def __init__(self):
self.message = "Input data is invalid and cannot be processed"
self.hints = (
"No output file will be created.\n"
"- Check your input data format and content\n"
"- Ensure chemical structures/identifiers are valid\n"
"- Verify input matches the model's requirements(valid SMILES)"
super().__init__(self.message, self.hints)
class ApiSpecifiedOutputError(ErsiliaError):
def __init__(self):
self.message = "Specified output is not correct"
self.hints = "If you don't specify an output, an interable will be created. If you specify a file extension (.json, .tsv, .csv or .h5), a file will be created. Other valid strings include 'dict', 'numpy', 'pandas' and 'json'"
ErsiliaError.__init__(self, self.message, self.hints)