ersilia.cli.commands package¶
ersilia.cli.commands.auth module¶
ersilia.cli.commands.catalog module¶
- ersilia.cli.commands.catalog.catalog_cmd()[source]¶
Creates the catalog command for the CLI.
This command allows users to list a catalog of models available either locally or in the model hub. It provides options to display the catalog in various formats(such as tables by default or json), show more detailed information, and view model cards for specific models.
- Returns:
The catalog command function to be used by the CLI and for testing in the pytest.
- Return type:
Display model card for a specific model ID and show catalog in json format: $ ersilia catalog –card <model_id> –as-json
ersilia.cli.commands.close module¶
- ersilia.cli.commands.close.close_cmd()[source]¶
Closes the current session of the served model.
This command allows users to close the current session and clean up any resources.
- Returns:
The close command function to be used by the CLI and for testing in the pytest.
- Return type:
Close the current session: $ ersilia close
ersilia.cli.commands.delete module¶
- ersilia.cli.commands.delete.delete_cmd()[source]¶
Deletes a specified model.
This command allows users to delete a specified model from the local storage.
- Returns:
The delete command function to be used by the CLI and for testing in the pytest.
- Return type:
Delete a specific model: $ ersilia delete <model_id> Delete all models: $ ersilia delete --all
ersilia.cli.commands.example module¶
ersilia.cli.commands.fetch module¶
- ersilia.cli.commands.fetch.fetch_cmd()[source]¶
Fetches a specified model.
This command allows users to fetch a specified model from the model hub (dockerhub, repo, s3 etc…).
- Returns:
The fetch command function to be used by the CLI and for testing in the pytest.
- Return type:
Fetch a model by its ID: $ ersilia fetch <model_id> [auto model source decider] or ersilia fetch <model_id> --from_github/--from_dockerhub Fetch a model from a local directory: $ ersilia fetch <model_id> --from_dir <path> module¶
Provides information about a specified model.
This command allows users to get detailed information about a current active session.
- Returns:
The info command function to be used by the CLI.
- Return type:
Get information about active session as json: $ ersilia info --as_json
ersilia.cli.commands.publish module¶
- ersilia.cli.commands.publish.publish_cmd()[source]¶
Publishes a specified model.
This command allows users to publish a specified model to the model hub.
- Returns:
The publish command function to be used by the CLI.
- Return type:
Publish a model by its ID: $ ersilia publish create <model_id> Rebase a model: $ ersilia publish rebase <model_id> module¶
Runs a specified model.
This command allows users to run a specified model with given inputs.
- Returns:
The run command function to be used by the CLI and for testing in the pytest.
- Return type:
Run a model by its ID with input data: $ ersilia run -i <input_data> --as-table Run a model with batch size: $ ersilia run -i <input_data> -b 50
ersilia.cli.commands.serve module¶
- ersilia.cli.commands.serve.serve_cmd()[source]¶
Serves a specified model.
This command allows users to serve a specified model as an API.
- Returns:
The serve command function to be used by the CLI and for testing in the pytest.
- Return type:
Serve a model by its ID: $ ersilia serve <model_id> --port 8080 Serve a model and track the session: $ ersilia serve <model_id> --track
ersilia.cli.commands.setup module¶
- ersilia.cli.commands.setup.setup_cmd()[source]¶
Sets up the environment.
This command allows users to set up the environment for using the CLI.
- Returns:
The setup command function to be used by the CLI.
- Return type:
Set up the environment with full installation: $ ersilia setup --full Set up the environment with base installation: $ ersilia setup --base
ersilia.cli.commands.test module¶
- ersilia.cli.commands.test.test_cmd()[source]¶
Test a model and obtain performance metrics.
This command allows you to test a model using various options to customize the testing process.
The command performs the following steps: - Sets up the model tester with the specified model and options. - Executes tests to evaluate the model’s performance, metadata check, output consistency and more. - Generates and outputs performance metrics.
With basic testing:/ $ ersilia test eosxxxx --from_dir /path/to/model With different sources to fetch the model: $ ersilia test eosxxxx --from_github/--from_dockerhub/--from_s3 With different levels of testing: $ ersilia test eosxxxx --shallow --from_github/--from_dockerhub/--from_s3