ersilia.hub.content package¶
ersilia.hub.content.base_information module¶
- class ersilia.hub.content.base_information.BaseInformation(config_json=None)[source]¶
Base class for handling and validating model information.
- Parameters:
config_json (dict) – Configuration data in JSON format.
- as_dict()[source]¶
Convert the model information to a dictionary.
- Returns:
The model information as a dictionary.
- Return type:
- property biomedical_area¶
Get the model biomedical area.
- Returns:
The model biomedical area.
- Return type:
- property both_identifiers¶
Get both the model identifier and slug.
- Returns:
The model identifier and slug.
- Return type:
- Raises:
BothIdentifiersBaseInformationError – If either the identifier or slug is not set.
- property computational_performance_hund¶
Get the computational performance at level hundred.
- Returns:
The computational performance metric at level hundred.
- Return type:
int or float
- property computational_performance_one¶
Get the computational performance at level one.
- Returns:
The computational performance metric at level one.
- Return type:
int or float
- property computational_performance_ten¶
Get the computational performance at level ten.
- Returns:
The computational performance metric at level ten.
- Return type:
int or float
- property contributor¶
Get the model contributor.
- Returns:
The model contributor.
- Return type:
- property date¶
Get the model date.
- Returns:
The model date.
- Return type:
- property description¶
Get the model description.
- Returns:
The model description.
- Return type:
- property docker_architecture¶
Get the model Docker architecture.
- Returns:
The model Docker architecture.
- Return type:
- property dockerhub¶
Get the model DockerHub URL.
- Returns:
The model DockerHub URL.
- Return type:
- property environment_size¶
Get the model evironment Size in Mb.
- Returns:
The model evironment Size in Mb.
- Return type:
- from_dict(data)[source]¶
Load the model information from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
data (dict) – The model information as a dictionary.
- property github¶
Get the model GitHub URL.
- Returns:
The model GitHub URL.
- Return type:
- Raises:
GithubBaseInformationError – If the identifier is not set.
- property identifier¶
Get the model identifier.
- Returns:
The model identifier.
- Return type:
- property image_size_mb¶
Get the image size in megabytes.
- Returns:
The size of the image in MB.
- Return type:
- property input¶
Get the model input.
- Returns:
The model input.
- Return type:
- property input_shape¶
Get the model input shape.
- Returns:
The model input shape.
- Return type:
- property interpretation¶
Get the model interpretation.
- Returns:
The model interpretation.
- Return type:
- property license¶
Get the model license.
- Returns:
The model license.
- Return type:
- property mode¶
Get the model mode.
- Returns:
The model mode.
- Return type:
- property output¶
Get the model output.
- Returns:
The model output.
- Return type:
- property output_consistency¶
Get the model output consistency.
- Returns:
The model output consistency.
- Return type:
- property output_dimension¶
Get the model output dimension.
- Returns:
The model output dimension.
- Return type:
- property output_shape¶
Get the model output shape.
- Returns:
The model output shape.
- Return type:
- property output_type¶
Get the model output type.
- Returns:
The model output type.
- Return type:
- property publication¶
Get the model publication URL.
- Returns:
The model publication URL.
- Return type:
- property publication_type¶
Get the model publication type.
- Returns:
The model publication type.
- Return type:
- property publication_year¶
Get the model publication year.
- Returns:
The model publication year.
- Return type:
- property s3¶
Get the model S3 URL.
- Returns:
The model S3 URL.
- Return type:
- property slug¶
Get the model slug.
- Returns:
The model slug.
- Return type:
- property source¶
Get the model source.
- Returns:
The model source.
- Return type:
- property source_code¶
Get the model source code URL.
- Returns:
The model source code URL.
- Return type:
- property source_type¶
Get the model source type.
- Returns:
The model source type.
- Return type:
- property status¶
Get the model status.
- Returns:
The model status.
- Return type:
- property subtask¶
Get the model subtask.
- Returns:
The model subtask.
- Return type:
- property tag¶
Get the model tags.
- Returns:
The model tags.
- Return type:
- property target_organism¶
Get the model target organism.
- Returns:
The model target organism.
- Return type:
- property task¶
Get the model task.
- Returns:
The model task.
- Return type:
- property title¶
Get the model title.
- Returns:
The model title.
- Return type:
ersilia.hub.content.card module¶
- class ersilia.hub.content.card.LakeCard(config_json=None)[source]¶
Class to handle the lake card of a model.
The lake in ersilia refers to a result storage platform powered by isaura package to store repeated result as a cache and allows user to reuse them. It uses HDF5 explorer to explore and retrieve information from HDF5 files.
- Parameters:
config_json (dict, optional) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- get(model_id: str | None = None, slug: str | None = None, as_json: bool = False) dict [source]¶
Get the lake card of a model from the HDF5 explorer.
- Parameters:
model_id (str, optional) – The ID of the model.
slug (str, optional) – The slug of the model.
as_json (bool, optional) – Whether to return the lake card in JSON format.
- Returns:
The lake card of the model.
- Return type:
- class ersilia.hub.content.card.LocalCard(config_json)[source]¶
Class to handle the local card of a model.
This class provides methods to get the local card of a model from the local repository stored in eos directory.
- Parameters:
config_json (dict) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- class ersilia.hub.content.card.MetadataCard(config_json)[source]¶
Class to handle the metadata card of a model.
This class provides methods to get the metadata card of a model from the local repository.
- Parameters:
config_json (dict) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- class ersilia.hub.content.card.ModelCard(config_json=None)[source]¶
Class to handle the model card.
This class provides methods to get the model card from various sources, such as local repository, metadata card, S3 JSON card, and README card.
- Parameters:
config_json (dict, optional) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- get(model_id: str | None = None, slug: str | None = None, as_json: bool = False) dict [source]¶
Get the model card from various sources.
- Parameters:
model_id (str, optional) – The ID of the model.
slug (str, optional) – The slug of the model.
as_json (bool, optional) – Whether to return the model card in JSON format.
- Returns:
The model card.
- Return type:
- class ersilia.hub.content.card.ReadmeCard(config_json)[source]¶
Class to handle the README card of a model.
This class provides methods to get the README card of a model from GitHub.
- Parameters:
config_json (dict) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- class ersilia.hub.content.card.RepoMetadataFile(model_id=None, config_json=None)[source]¶
Class to handle the metadata file of a model repository.
This class provides methods to get the URL of the metadata file from GitHub, read information from the metadata file, and write information to the metadata file.
- Parameters:
model_id (str, optional) – The model identifier.
config_json (dict, optional) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- get_json_or_yaml_file(org: str | None = None, branch: str | None = None) dict [source]¶
Get the metadata file from GitHub in JSON or YAML format. JSON format typically used for bentoml packed models and YAML format typically used for ersilia pack models.
- Parameters:
org (str, optional) – The GitHub organization.
branch (str, optional) – The GitHub branch.
- Returns:
The metadata file content.
- Return type:
- read_information(org: str | None = None, branch: str | None = None, json_or_yaml_path: str | None = None) BaseInformation [source]¶
Read information from the metadata file.
- Parameters:
org (str, optional) – The GitHub organization.
branch (str, optional) – The GitHub branch.
json_or_yaml_path (str, optional) – The path to the JSON or YAML file.
- Returns:
The base information read from the metadata file.
- Return type:
- write_information(data: BaseInformation, json_or_yaml_path: str | None = None) dict [source]¶
Write information to the metadata file.
- Parameters:
data (BaseInformation) – The base information to write.
json_or_yaml_path (str, optional) – The path to the JSON or YAML file.
- Returns:
The written data.
- Return type:
- class ersilia.hub.content.card.S3JsonCard(config_json=None)[source]¶
Class to handle the S3 JSON card of a model.
This class provides methods to get the S3 JSON card of a model from the S3 bucket.
- Parameters:
config_json (dict, optional) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- get(model_id: str | None = None, slug: str | None = None) dict [source]¶
Get the S3 JSON card of a model from the S3 bucket by model id or slug.
- Parameters:
model_id (str, optional) – The ID of the model.
slug (str, optional) – The slug of the model.
- Returns:
The S3 JSON card of the model.
- Return type:
ersilia.hub.content.catalog module¶
See available models in the Ersilia Model Hub
- class ersilia.hub.content.catalog.CatalogTable(data, columns)[source]¶
Class to handle the catalog table of models.
This class provides methods to convert the model catalog into various formats, such as list of dictionaries, JSON, and table format. It also provides methods to write the catalog table to a file.
- Parameters:
data (list) – The data of the catalog table.
columns (list) – The columns of the catalog table.
- as_json() str [source]¶
Convert the catalog table to JSON format.
- Returns:
The catalog table in JSON format.
- Return type:
- as_list_of_dicts() list [source]¶
Convert the catalog table to a list of dictionaries.
- Returns:
The catalog table as a list of dictionaries.
- Return type:
- as_table() str [source]¶
Convert the catalog table to table format.
- Returns:
The catalog table in table format.
- Return type:
- generate_separator_line(left, middle, right, horizontal, widths)[source]¶
Generates a separator line for the table based on the given borders and column widths.
- Parameters:
left (str) – The character to use for the left border of the line.
middle (str) – The character to use between columns (as separators).
right (str) – The character to use for the right border of the line.
horizontal (str) – The character used to draw the horizontal border.
widths (list of int) – A list of column widths to determine how much horizontal space each column takes.
- Returns:
The formatted separator line as a string.
- Return type:
- class ersilia.hub.content.catalog.ModelCatalog(config_json=None, less=True)[source]¶
Class to handle the model catalog.
This class provides methods to manage the model catalog, including adding, updating, and retrieving models.
List of fields with less information.
- Type:
List of fields with more information.
- Type:
- LESS_FIELDS = ['Identifier', 'Slug']¶
- MORE_FIELDS = ['Identifier', 'Slug', 'Title', 'Task', 'Input Shape', 'Output', 'Output Shape']¶
- bentoml() CatalogTable [source]¶
List models available as BentoServices.
- Returns:
The catalog table containing the models available as BentoServices.
- Return type:
- local() CatalogTable [source]¶
List models metadata from the local repository.
- Returns:
The catalog table containing the models available locally.
- Return type:
ersilia.hub.content.columns_information module¶
- class ersilia.hub.content.columns_information.ColumnsInformation(model_id, api_name, config_json=None)[source]¶
Class to handle the columns information of a model.
This class provides methods to get columns information from local files or GitHub, and validate the columns data.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – The model identifier.
api_name (str) – The API name.
config_json (dict, optional) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
ersilia.hub.content.information module¶
- class ersilia.hub.content.information.Information(model_id, config_json=None)[source]¶
Class to handle the information of a models.
This class provides methods to get various information about a model, such as pack mode, service class, model source, API schema, size, metadata, and card.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – The ID of the model.
config_json (dict, optional) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- class ersilia.hub.content.information.InformationDisplayer(info_data, config_json=None)[source]¶
Class to display the information of a model.
This class provides methods to display various information about a model, such as description, identifiers, code, and Docker information.
- Parameters:
info_data (dict) – The information data of the model.
config_json (dict, optional) – Configuration settings in JSON format. module¶
Search for models
- class[source]¶
Class to handle model search operations.
This class provides methods to search for models in the catalog table using text and mode of training.
- Parameters:
catalog (CatalogTable) – The catalog table containing the models.
- levenshtein_ratio_and_distance(s: str, t: str) float [source]¶
Algorithm to fuzzy match strings using Levenshtein distance.
- Parameters:
s (str) – The first string.
t (str) – The second string.
- Returns:
The Levenshtein distance ratio between the two strings.
- Return type:
- search_mode(s: str) CatalogTable [source]¶
Search the mode of training.
- Parameters:
s (str) – The mode of training to search for.
- Returns:
The catalog table containing the models with the specified mode of training.
- Return type:
- search_text(s: str) CatalogTable [source]¶
Search using text and return the closest matching string.
- Parameters:
s (str) – The text to search for.
- Returns:
The catalog table containing the closest matching models.
- Return type:
ersilia.hub.content.slug module¶
- class ersilia.hub.content.slug.Slug(config_json=None)[source]¶
Class to handle slug operations.
This class provides methods to encode and decode slugs to model IDs and vice versa, using local and remote sources.
- Parameters:
config_json (dict, optional) – Configuration settings in JSON format.
- decode(model_id: str) str [source]¶
Given a model_id, get the slug.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – The model_id to decode.
- Returns:
The slug corresponding to the model_id.
- Return type: