ersilia.publish package¶
ersilia.publish.deploy module¶
ersilia.publish.dockerhub module¶
- class ersilia.publish.dockerhub.DockerHubUploader(model_id: str, config_json=None)[source]¶
Class for uploading Docker images to DockerHub.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – The ID of the model to be uploaded.
config_json (str, optional) – Path to the configuration JSON file.
uploader = DockerHubUploader( model_id="model_id", config_json="path/to/config.json", ) uploader.set_credentials( docker_user="username", docker_pwd="password" ) uploader.upload()
ersilia.publish.inspect module¶
- class ersilia.publish.inspect.ModelInspector(model: str, dir: str, config_json=None)[source]¶
Class for inspecting model repositories.
- Parameters:
model (str) – The ID of the model to be inspected.
dir (str) – The directory where the model repository is located.
config_json (str, optional) – Path to the configuration JSON file.
inspector = ModelInspector( model="model_id", dir="path/to/repo" ) result = inspector.check_repo_exists() result = inspector.check_complete_metadata()
- BENTOML_FILES = ['model/framework/', '', 'LICENSE', 'Dockerfile', 'metadata.json', 'src/', '', '.gitignore', 'input.csv']¶
- BENTOML_FOLDERS = ['model', 'src', '.github']¶
- COMMON_FILES = ['model/framework/', '', 'LICENSE']¶
- ERSILIAPACK_FILES = ['model/framework/', '', 'LICENSE', 'install.yml', 'metadata.yml', 'model/framework/examples/input.csv', 'model/framework/examples/output.csv', '.dockerignore', '.gitignore', '.gitattributes']¶
- ERSILIAPACK_FOLDERS = ['model', '.github']¶
- REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['Publication', 'Source Code', 'S3', 'DockerHub']¶
- RUN_FILE = 'model/framework/'¶
- check_complete_folder_structure()[source]¶
Check if the folder structure of the repository is complete.
- Returns:
A namedtuple containing the success status and details of the check.
- Return type:
- check_complete_metadata()[source]¶
Check if the metadata file is complete.
- Returns:
A namedtuple containing the success status and details of the check.
- Return type:
- check_computational_performance()[source]¶
Check the computational performance of the model.
- Returns:
A namedtuple containing the success status and details of the check.
- Return type:
- check_dependencies_are_valid()[source]¶
Check if the dependencies in the Dockerfile or install.yml are valid.
- Returns:
A namedtuple containing the success status and details of the check.
- Return type:
- check_no_extra_files()[source]¶
Check if there are no extra files in the repository.
- Returns:
A namedtuple containing the success status and details of the check.
- Return type:
- check_repo_exists()[source]¶
Check if the model repository exists.
- Returns:
A namedtuple containing the success status and details of the check.
- Return type:
ersilia.publish.lake module¶
- class ersilia.publish.lake.LakeStorer(model_id, config_json, credentials_json)[source]¶
Class to handle storing data in the lake.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – The ID of the model.
config_json (dict) – Configuration in JSON format.
credentials_json (dict) – Credentials in JSON format.
ersilia.publish.publish module¶
- class ersilia.publish.publish.ModelPublisher(model_id, config_json, credentials_json)[source]¶
Class for publishing models to GitHub.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – The ID of the model to be published.
config_json (str) – Path to the configuration JSON file.
credentials_json (str) – Path to the credentials JSON file.
- create(public=True)[source]¶
Create a new GitHub repository for the model.
- Parameters:
public (bool, optional) – Whether the repository should be public or private. Default is True.
ersilia.publish.rebase module¶
- class ersilia.publish.rebase.TemplateRebaser(model_id: str, template_repo='eos-template', config_json=None, credentials_json=None)[source]¶
Class for rebasing model repositories with a template repository.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – The ID of the model to be rebased.
template_repo (str, optional) – The name of the template repository. Default is ‘eos-template’.
config_json (str, optional) – Path to the configuration JSON file.
credentials_json (str, optional) – Path to the credentials JSON file.
ersilia.publish.s3 module¶
- class ersilia.publish.s3.S3BucketRepoUploader(model_id: str, config_json=None)[source]¶
Class for uploading model repositories to an S3 bucket.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – The ID of the model to be uploaded.
config_json (str, optional) – Path to the configuration JSON file.
uploader = S3BucketRepoUploader( model_id="model_id", config_json="path/to/config.json", ) uploader.set_credentials( aws_access_key_id="access_key", aws_secret_access_key="secret_key", ) uploader.upload()
- set_credentials(aws_access_key_id: str, aws_secret_access_key: str)[source]¶
Set AWS credentials.
- Parameters:
aws_access_key_id (str) – AWS access key ID.
aws_secret_access_key (str) – AWS secret access key. module¶
Class used to store model when done developing it.
This functionality is used when developing of a model is done.
- class, credentials_json=None)[source]¶
Class for removing models from OSF.
- Parameters:
config_json (str, optional) – Path to the configuration JSON file.
credentials_json (str, optional) – Path to the credentials JSON file.
remover = ModelRemover( config_json="path/to/config.json", credentials_json="path/to/credentials.json", ) remover.remove(model_id="model_id")
- class, credentials_json=None, overwrite=True)[source]¶
Class for storing models in the local data directory and in OSF.
- Parameters:
config_json (str, optional) – Path to the configuration JSON file.
credentials_json (str, optional) – Path to the credentials JSON file.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Whether to overwrite existing files. Default is True.
ersilia.publish.test module¶
- class ersilia.publish.test.CheckService(logger: Any, model_id: str, dir: str, from_github: bool, from_dockerhub: bool, ios: IOService)[source]¶
Service for performing various checks on the model.
- Parameters:
logger (logging.Logger) – Logger for logging messages.
model_id (str) – Identifier of the model.
dir (str) – Directory where the model repository is located.
from_github (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from GitHub.
from_dockerhub (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from DockerHub.
ios (IOService) – Instance of IOService for handling input/output operations.
check_service = CheckService( logger=logger, model_id="model_id", dir="/path/to/dir", from_github=True, from_dockerhub=False, ios=ios, ) check_service.check_files()
- INPUT_SHAPE = {'List', 'List of Lists', 'Pair', 'Pair of Lists', 'Single'}¶
- MODEL_OUTPUT = {'Boolean', 'Compound', 'Descriptor', 'Distance', 'Experimental value', 'Image', 'Other value', 'Probability', 'Protein', 'Score', 'Text'}¶
- MODEL_TASKS = {'Classification', 'Clustering', 'Dimensionality reduction', 'Generative', 'Regression', 'Representation', 'Similarity'}¶
- OUTPUT_SHAPE = {'Flexible List', 'List', 'Matrix', 'Serializable Object', 'Single'}¶
- check_consistent_output(**kwargs)¶
- check_example_input(**kwargs)¶
- check_information(**kwargs)¶
- class ersilia.publish.test.CheckStrategy(check_function, success_key, details_key)[source]¶
Execuetd a strategy for checking inspect commands.
- Parameters:
check_function (callable) – The function to check.
success_key (str) – The key for success.
details_key (str) – The key for details.
- class ersilia.publish.test.Checks(value)[source]¶
Enum for different check types.
- CONSISTENCY = 'Model Output Was Consistent'¶
- DIR_SIZE = 'Directory Size Mb'¶
- ENV_SIZE = 'Environment Size Mb'¶
- IMAGE_SIZE = 'Image Size Mb'¶
- INCONSISTENCY = 'Inconsistent Output Detected'¶
- MODEL_CONSISTENCY = 'Check Consistency of Model Output'¶
- PREDEFINED_EXAMPLE = 'Check Predefined Example Input'¶
- SIZE_CACL_FAILED = 'Size Calculation Failed'¶
- SIZE_CACL_SUCCESS = 'Size Successfully Calculated'¶
- class ersilia.publish.test.IOService(logger, model_id: str, dir: str)[source]¶
Service for handling input/output operations related to model testing.
- Parameters:
logger (logging.Logger) – Logger for logging messages.
model_id (str) – Identifier of the model.
dir (str) – Directory where the model repository is located.
ios = IOService( logger=logger, model_id="model_id", dir="/path/to/dir", ) ios.read_information()
- BENTOML_FILES = ['Dockerfile', 'metadata.json', 'model/framework/', 'src/', '', '', 'LICENSE']¶
- ERSILIAPACK_FILES = ['install.yml', 'metadata.yml', 'model/framework/examples/input.csv', 'model/framework/examples/output.csv', 'model/framework/', '', 'LICENSE']¶
- RUN_FILE = 'model/framework/'¶
- calculate_directory_size(path: str) int [source]¶
Calculate the size of a directory.
- Parameters:
path (str) – The path to the directory.
- Returns:
The size of the directory.
- Return type:
- calculate_image_size(tag='latest')[source]¶
Calculate the size of a Docker image.
- Parameters:
tag (str, optional) – The tag of the Docker image (default is ‘latest’).
- Returns:
The size of the Docker image.
- Return type:
- collect_and_save_json(results, output_file)[source]¶
Helper function to collect JSON results and save them to a file.
- get_conda_env_size()[source]¶
Get the size of the Conda environment for the model.
- Returns:
The size of the Conda environment in megabytes.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – If there is an error calculating the size.
- get_directories_sizes(**kwargs)¶
- get_env_sizes(**kwargs)¶
- get_file_requirements() List[str] [source]¶
Get the list of required files for the model.
- Returns:
List of required files.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If the model type is unsupported.
- static get_model_type(model_id: str, repo_path: str) str [source]¶
Get the type of the model based on the repository contents.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – Identifier of the model.
repo_path (str) – Path to the model repository.
- Returns:
The type of the model (e.g., PACK_METHOD_BENTOML, PACK_METHOD_FASTAPI).
- Return type:
- class ersilia.publish.test.InspectService(dir: str, model: str, remote: bool = False, config_json: str | None = None, credentials_json: str | None = None)[source]¶
Service for inspecting models and their configurations.
- Parameters:
dir (str, optional) – Directory where the model is located.
model (str, optional) – Model identifier.
remote (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether the model is remote.
config_json (str, optional) – Path to the configuration JSON file.
credentials_json (str, optional) – Path to the credentials JSON file.
inspector = InspectService( dir="/path/to/model", model="model_id" ) results =
- run(check_keys: list | None = None) dict [source]¶
Run the inspection checks on the specified model.
- Parameters:
check_keys (list, optional) – A list of check keys to execute. If None, all checks will be executed.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing the results of the inspection checks.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If the model is not specified.
KeyError – If any of the specified keys do not exist.
- class ersilia.publish.test.ModelTester(model, level, from_dir, from_github, from_dockerhub, from_s3, version, shallow, deep, as_json)[source]¶
Class to handle model testing. Initializes the model tester services and runs the tests.
- Parameters:
model (str) – The ID of the model.
level (str) – The level of testing.
from_dir (str) – The directory for the model.
from_github (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from GitHub.
from_dockerhub (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from DockerHub.
from_s3 (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from S3.
version (str) – Version of the model.
shallow (bool) – Flag indicating whether to perform shallow checks.
deep (bool) – Flag indicating whether to perform deep checks.
as_json (bool) – Flag indicating whether to output results as JSON.
- class ersilia.publish.test.Options(value)[source]¶
Enum for different options.
- BASE = 'base'¶
- INPUT_CSV = 'input.csv'¶
- INPUT_TYPES = ['str', 'list', 'csv']¶
- OUTPUT1_CSV = 'output1.csv'¶
- OUTPUT2_CSV = 'output2.csv'¶
- OUTPUT_CSV = 'result.csv'¶
- OUTPUT_FILES = ['file.csv', 'file.h5', 'file.json']¶
- class ersilia.publish.test.RunnerService(model_id: str, logger, ios_service: IOService, checkup_service: CheckService, setup_service: SetupService, level: str, dir: str, model_path: Callable, from_github: bool, from_s3: bool, from_dockerhub: bool, version: str, shallow: bool, deep: bool, as_json: bool, inspector: InspectService)[source]¶
Service for running model tests and checks.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – Identifier of the model.
logger (logging.Logger) – Logger for logging messages.
ios_service (IOService) – Instance of IOService for handling input/output operations.
checkup_service (CheckService) – Instance of CheckService for performing various checks on the model.
setup_service (SetupService) – Instance of SetupService for setting up the environment and fetching the model repository.
level (str) – Level of checks to perform.
dir (str) – Directory where the model repository is located.
model_path (Callable) – Callable to get the model path.
from_github (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from GitHub.
from_s3 (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from S3.
from_dockerhub (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from DockerHub.
version (str) – Version of the model.
shallow (bool) – Flag indicating whether to perform shallow checks.
deep (bool) – Flag indicating whether to perform deep checks.
as_json (bool) – Flag indicating whether to output results as JSON.
inspector (InspectService) – Instance of InspectService for inspecting models and their configurations.
- run()[source]¶
Run the model tests and checks.
- Raises:
ImportError – If required packages are missing.
- run_bash(**kwargs)¶
- run_example(n_samples: int, file_name: str | None = None, simple: bool = True, try_predefined: bool = False)[source]¶
Generate example input samples for the model.
- Parameters:
n_samples (int) – Number of samples to generate.
file_name (str, optional) – Name of the file to save the samples.
simple (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether to generate simple samples.
try_predefined (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether to try predefined samples.
- Returns:
List of generated input samples.
- Return type:
- run_model(inputs: list, output: str, batch: int)[source]¶
Run the model with the given input and output parameters.
- Parameters:
input (list) – List of input samples.
output (str) – Path to the output file.
batch (int) – Batch size for running the model.
- Returns:
The output of the command.
- Return type:
- class ersilia.publish.test.STATUS_CONFIGS(value)[source]¶
Enum for status configurations.
- FAILED = ('FAILED', 'red', '✘')¶
- NA = ('N/A', 'dim', '~')¶
- PASSED = ('PASSED', 'green', '✔')¶
- SUCCESS = ('SUCCESS', 'green', '★')¶
- WARNING = ('WARNING', 'yellow', '⚠')¶
- class ersilia.publish.test.SetupService(model_id: str, dir: str, from_github: bool, from_s3: bool, logger: Any)[source]¶
Service for setting up the environment and fetching the model repository.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – Identifier of the model.
dir (str) – Directory where the model repository will be cloned.
from_github (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from GitHub.
from_s3 (bool) – Flag indicating whether to fetch the repository from S3.
logger (Any) – Logger for logging messages.
- BASE_URL = ''¶
- static get_conda_env_location(model_id: str, logger) str [source]¶
Get the location of the Conda environment for the model.
- Parameters:
model_id (str) – Identifier of the model.
logger (logging.Logger) – Logger for logging messages.
- Returns:
The location of the Conda environment.
- Return type:
- Raises:
subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the command to list Conda environments returns a non-zero exit code.
- static run_command(command: str, logger, capture_output: bool = False, shell: bool = True) str [source]¶
Run a shell command.
- Parameters:
command (str) – The command to run.
logger (logging.Logger) – Logger for logging messages.
capture_output (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether to capture the command output.
shell (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether to run the command in the shell.
- Returns:
The output of the command.
- Return type:
- Raises:
subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the command returns a non-zero exit code.
- class ersilia.publish.test.TableConfig(title: str, headers: List[str])[source]¶
Configuration for a table.
- headers: List[str]¶
- title: str¶
- class ersilia.publish.test.TableType(value)[source]¶
Enum for different table types.
- COMPUTATIONAL_PERFORMANCE = 'Computational Performance Summary'¶
- CONSISTENCY_BASH = 'Consistency Summary Between Ersilia and Bash Execution Outputs'¶
- DEPENDECY_CHECK = 'Dependency Check'¶
- FINAL_RUN_SUMMARY = 'Test Run Summary'¶
- INSPECT_SUMMARY = 'Inspect Summary'¶
- MODEL_DIRECTORY_SIZES = 'Model Directory Sizes'¶
- MODEL_ENV_SIZES = 'Model Environment Sizes'¶
- MODEL_FILE_CHECKS = 'Model File Checks'¶
- MODEL_INFORMATION_CHECKS = 'Model Metadata Checks'¶
- MODEL_OUTPUT = 'Model Output Content Validation Summary'¶
- RUNNER_CHECKUP_STATUS = 'Runner Checkup Status'¶
- SHALLOW_CHECK_SUMMARY = 'Validation and Size Check Summary'¶