Source code for

import csv
import importlib
import itertools
import json
import os
import shutil

from click import secho

from .. import ErsiliaBase, throw_ersilia_exception
from ..default import PREDEFINED_EXAMPLE_FILES
from ..hub.content.card import ModelCard
from ..utils.exceptions_utils.exceptions import NullModelIdentifierError
from .readers.file import JsonFileReader, TabularFileReader
from .readers.pyinput import PyInputReader
from .shape import InputShape, InputShapeList, InputShapePairOfLists, InputShapeSingle

[docs] class BaseIOGetter(ErsiliaBase): """ Base class to get IO handlers based on model or specifications. Parameters ---------- config_json : dict, optional Configuration JSON. """ def __init__(self, config_json=None): ErsiliaBase.__init__(self, config_json=config_json) = ModelCard(config_json=config_json)
[docs] def shape(self, model_id): """ Get the input shape from the model card. Parameters ---------- model_id : str Model identifier. Returns ------- InputShape Input shape object. """ return self._read_shape_from_card(model_id)
[docs] def get(self, model_id=None, input_type=None, input_shape=None): """ Get the IO handler based on model or specifications. Parameters ---------- model_id : str, optional Model identifier. input_type : str, optional Input type. input_shape : str, optional Input shape. Returns ------- IO IO handler object. """ if model_id is not None: return self._get_from_model(model_id=model_id) else: return self._get_from_specs(input_type=input_type, input_shape=input_shape)
def _read_input_from_card(self, model_id): self.logger.debug("Reading card from {0}".format(model_id)) # This is because ersilia-pack adds another level in the JSON with the key "card" if "Input" not in input_type =["card"]["Input"] else: input_type =["Input"] if len(input_type) != 1: self.logger.error("Ersilia does not deal with multiple inputs yet..!") else: input_type = input_type[0] return input_type.lower() def _read_shape_from_card(self, model_id): self.logger.debug("Reading shape from {0}".format(model_id)) try: input_shape =["Input Shape"] except: input_shape = None self.logger.debug("Input Shape: {0}".format(input_shape)) return InputShape(input_shape).get() def _get_from_model(self, model_id): input_type = self._read_input_from_card(model_id) if input_type is None: input_type = "naive" input_shape = self.shape(model_id) self.logger.debug("Input type is: {0}".format(input_type)) self.logger.debug("Input shape is: {0}".format( module = ".types.{0}".format(input_type) self.logger.debug("Importing module: {0}".format(module)) return importlib.import_module(module, package="").IO( input_shape=input_shape ) def _get_from_specs(self, input_type, input_shape): input_type = input_type.lower() input_shape = InputShape(input_shape).get() module = ".types.{0}".format(input_type) return importlib.import_module(module, package="").IO( input_shape=input_shape )
class _GenericAdapter(object): """ Class to adapt various input formats to a standard format. This class handles different types of inputs such as files, lists, and strings, and converts them into a standard format that can be processed by the IO handler. Parameters ---------- BaseIO : object Base IO handler object. """ def __init__(self, BaseIO): self.IO = BaseIO def adapt(self, inp): """ Adapt the input to a standard format. Parameters ---------- inp : any The input data. Returns ------- list List of adapted data. """ data = self._adapt(inp) data = [self.IO.parse(d) for d in data] return data def _is_file(self, inp): if not self._is_string(inp): return False if os.path.isfile(inp): return True else: return False def _is_python_instance(self, inp): if type(inp) is str: if os.path.isfile(inp): return False return True def _is_list(self, inp): if type(inp) is list: return True else: return False def _is_string(self, inp): if type(inp) is str: return True else: return False def _try_to_eval(self, inp): try: data = eval(inp) except: data = inp return data def _is_tabular_file(self, inp): if inp.endswith(".csv") or inp.endswith(".tsv"): return True else: return False def _is_json_file(self, inp): if inp.endswith(".json"): return True else: return False def _py_input_reader(self, inp): reader = PyInputReader(input=inp, IO=self.IO) data = return data def _file_reader(self, inp): reader = None if self._is_tabular_file(inp): reader = TabularFileReader(path=inp, IO=self.IO) if self._is_json_file(inp): reader = JsonFileReader(path=inp, IO=self.IO) data = return data def _adapt(self, inp): if self._is_file(inp): return self._file_reader(inp) inp = self._try_to_eval(inp) if self._is_python_instance(inp): return self._py_input_reader(inp)
[docs] class GenericInputAdapter(object): """ Class to adapt generic inputs to a standard format. This class uses the _GenericAdapter to handle different types of inputs and convert them into a standard format that can be processed in batches or one by one. Parameters ---------- model_id : str, optional Model identifier. input_type : str, optional Input type. input_shape : str, optional Input shape. config_json : dict, optional Configuration JSON. """ def __init__( self, model_id=None, input_type=None, input_shape=None, config_json=None ): baseio = BaseIOGetter(config_json=config_json).get( model_id=model_id, input_type=input_type, input_shape=input_shape ) self.adapter = _GenericAdapter(baseio)
[docs] def adapt(self, inp, batch_size): """ Adapt the input data in batches. Parameters ---------- inp : any The input data. batch_size : int Size of each batch. Yields ------ list List of adapted data in batches. """ data = self.adapter.adapt(inp) for chunk in self.batch_iter(data, batch_size): yield chunk
[docs] def adapt_one_by_one(self, inp): """ Adapt the input data one by one. Parameters ---------- inp : any The input data. Yields ------ dict Adapted data. """ data = self.adapter.adapt(inp) for d in data: yield d
[docs] def batch_iter(self, data, batch_size): """ Yield batches of data. Parameters ---------- data : iterable The data to be batched. batch_size : int The size of each batch. Yields ------ iterable A batch of data. """ it = iter(data) while True: chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, batch_size)) if not chunk: break yield chunk
[docs] class ExampleGenerator(ErsiliaBase): """ Class to generate examples for a model. Parameters ---------- model_id : str Model identifier. config_json : dict, optional Configuration JSON. """ def __init__(self, model_id, config_json=None): self.model_id = model_id self.IO = BaseIOGetter(config_json=config_json).get(model_id) ErsiliaBase.__init__(self, config_json=config_json) self.input_shape = self.IO.input_shape self._string_delimiter = self.IO.string_delimiter() self._force_simple = True if type(self.input_shape) is InputShapeSingle: self._flatten = self._flatten_single self._force_simple = False if type(self.input_shape) is InputShapeList: self._flatten = self._flatten_list if type(self.input_shape) is InputShapePairOfLists: self._flatten = self._flatten_pair_of_lists
[docs] def test(self): """ Get test examples. Returns ------- list List of test examples. """ return self.IO.test()
[docs] def random_example(self, n_samples, file_name, simple): """ Generate random example data. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples to generate. file_name : str File name to save the examples. simple : bool Whether to generate simple examples. Returns ------- list or None List of example data or None if saved to file. """ if not self._force_simple: simple = simple else: simple = True if file_name is None: data = [v for v in self.IO.example(n_samples)] if simple: data = [{"input": d["input"]} for d in data] return data else: extension = file_name.split(".")[-1] if extension == "json": with open(file_name, "w") as f: data = [v for v in self.IO.example(n_samples)] if simple: data = [{"input": d["input"]} for d in data] json.dump(data, f, indent=4) else: delimiter = self._get_delimiter(file_name) with open(file_name, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=delimiter) if simple: writer.writerow(["input"]) for v in self.IO.example(n_samples): writer.writerow(self._flatten(v["input"])) else: writer.writerow(["key", "input", "text"]) for v in self.IO.example(n_samples): writer.writerow([v["key"], v["input"], v["text"]])
[docs] def predefined_example(self, file_name): """ Get predefined example data. Parameters ---------- file_name : str File name to save the examples. Returns ------- bool True if predefined examples are available, False otherwise. """ dest_folder = self._model_path(self.model_id) for pf in PREDEFINED_EXAMPLE_FILES: example_file = os.path.join(dest_folder, pf) if os.path.exists(example_file): shutil.copy(example_file, file_name) return True else: return False
[docs] def example(self, n_samples, file_name, simple, try_predefined): """ Generate example data. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples to generate. file_name : str File name to save the examples. simple : bool Whether to generate simple examples. try_predefined : bool Whether to try predefined examples first. Returns ------- list or str List of example data or file content if saved to file. """ predefined_available = False if try_predefined is True and file_name is not None: self.logger.debug("Trying with predefined input") predefined_available = self.predefined_example(file_name) if predefined_available: with open(file_name, "r") as f: return else: if try_predefined and not predefined_available: secho( "No predefined examples found for the model. Generating random examples.", fg="yellow", ) self.logger.debug("Randomly sampling input") return self.random_example( n_samples=n_samples, file_name=file_name, simple=simple )
@throw_ersilia_exception() def check_model_id(self, model_id): """ Check if the model ID is valid. Parameters ---------- model_id : str Model identifier. Returns ------- None Raises ------ NullModelIdentifierError If the model ID is None. """ if model_id is None: raise NullModelIdentifierError(model=model_id) @staticmethod def _get_delimiter(file_name): extension = file_name.split(".")[-1] if extension == "tsv": return "\t" else: return "," def _flatten_single(self, datum): return [datum] def _flatten_list(self, datum): return [self._string_delimiter.join(datum)] def _flatten_pair_of_lists(self, datum): return [ self._string_delimiter.join(datum[0]), self._string_delimiter.join(datum[1]), ]