Source code for ersilia.db.hubdata.interfaces

import requests

from ... import ErsiliaBase

[docs] class JsonModelsInterface(ErsiliaBase): """ Interface for fetching model metadata from models stored in S3. Parameters ---------- config_json : dict, optional Configuration settings for initializing the interface. """ def __init__(self, config_json=None): ErsiliaBase.__init__(self, config_json=config_json) self.json_file_name = MODELS_JSON self.url = f"https://{ERSILIA_MODEL_HUB_S3_BUCKET}{MODELS_JSON}" def _read_json_file(self): response = requests.get(self.url) models_list = response.json() return models_list
[docs] def items(self): """ Yields models from the JSON file one by one. Yields ------ dict A model from the JSON file. """ models = self._read_json_file() for mdl in models: yield mdl
[docs] def items_all(self): """ Retrieves all models from the JSON file. Returns ------- list List of all models. """ models = self._read_json_file() return models
[docs] def identifier_exists(self, model_id): """ Checks if a model identifier exists in the JSON file. Parameters ---------- model_id : str Identifier of the model to check. Returns ------- bool True if the identifier exists, False otherwise. """ data = self._read_json_file() return any(item["Identifier"] == model_id for item in data)